Carly Brown's Senior Pictures: A Creative Journey Through Her Passions
High School Senior, girls, Best Karina High School Senior, girls, Best Karina

Carly Brown's Senior Pictures: A Creative Journey Through Her Passions

“Thank you so much for everything! You did an amazing job! They look amazing!” Missy B., mother

As a high school senior, Carly wanted her senior pictures to be a reflection of her interests and personality. She dreamed of capturing the beauty of a flower garden, the grandeur of an old mansion, and the drama of colored smoke. She also wanted to showcase her love for basketball.

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High School Winter Formal for Alena and Michael

High School Winter Formal for Alena and Michael

Feeling happy and handsome, Alena and Michael made some awesome memories at the John Cooper School winter formal, held at The Woodlands Resort. The John Cooper School did great job of making the event special for the students and their guests. Alena and Michael make such a beautiful couple. Red suits them both.

Happy Valentine’s day!

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Winter Mini Session for Rufa Akhmedli

Winter Mini Session for Rufa Akhmedli

Winter mini sessions.

Rufa Akhmedli wanted a bunch of portraits to use on her Instagram account. They had to look different enough, as if taken on separate occasions. Rufa brought 3 charges of clothes and I was amazed how quickly she changed into yet another gorgeous outfit within the allocated 30 minutes still keeping her poise.

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Christmas at New York City: a portrait session with Shania Shields

Christmas at New York City: a portrait session with Shania Shields

Day 5, Part Two of photography workshop with Joe McNally in a New York City studio.

I was looking forward to this part of the workshop most of all as this involved photographing a professional dancer in a studio.

Shania Shields is a 2021 graduate of the New York University Tisch School of the Arts and she is a professional dancer, singer and actress who received her BFA studio training in the drama department at Playwrights Horizons, Atlantic Acting School and Stonestreet Studios. @shania.aprill

Shania’s stage experience was greatly appreciated by everyone in our group and it was mostly up to our skills as photographers to work fast enough to capture every graceful pose and elegant move. Anyone who had ever modeled for a photography session would agree that posing is not an easy matter. You are asked to freeze and keep the pose or repeat a movement over and over, maintain precision in your position and perfection in your moves and while doing all that, your face needs to express ease and happiness at all times. Kudos to Shania for being a perfect model.

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